Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Samoa World Cup fun Day!

Talofa! Wow what a super day we have had in Room 9 with our buddy class Room 22.  We have dressed up in Samoan costumes.  We have headbands, flags, hula skirts, lei and beautiful painted faces!  The Samoan flag is red, blue and has five white stars on it.  Our clothes are these colours.  This morning we coloured in Samoan pictures, we decorated some biscuits, cracked open a coconut and drank the milk and ate the white flesh.  George's wonderful Mum Hannah bought in cupcakes in the shape of the Samoan flag for everyone - YUMMY!!! In the afternoon we had a big Jump Jam session in the hall.  We have had a fantastic day!


  1. It does look like you all had a fun day. Everyone looked great dressed up all colourful with your red & blue headbands, Leis & grass skirts.

    Anj, Tekken's Mum.

  2. WOW - it looks like you had such a great day with your buddy class. Lucy, Jacob, Tom and I have loved looking at your blog tonight and we especially loved the video of your Funday Friday dancing! We're crossing our fingers that the sun comes out so we can all go to Willowbank tomorrow.
    Pip Tschudin

  3. Talofa Room 9!
    It looks like you and our buddy class had a brilliant day together. You all looked wonderful. Please tell Mrs Allen to stop having so much fun when Mrs Toohey is not there!!!!!!
    I hope the rain stays away for tomorrows trip to Willowbank.
    Love Mrs Toohey
